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The NEW AIAM 320 Professional Relationships-Customer Loyalty

Total Credits: 2 including 2 CE Credit

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
AIAM Training
Jeff Odom
2 Hours
Product Setting: Expires 30 day(s) after program date.



The goal for every agent is to have loyal clients. This webinar discusses understanding your client, helping angry clients, how to effectively listen to your clients, and being memorable-in a good way.


  1. Housekeeping
  2. Unauthorized Entities
  3. Attendance
  4. Introduction-Webinar will cover the following:
    1. Understanding your client
    2. Being prepared to serve your client
    3. Helping an angry customer….immediately
    4. Asking the customer for information
    5. Listening to the client
    6. Living up to your commitments to your client
    7. Being memorable….in a good way
    8. Surprising your client…..they are not used to proper customer service
    9. Striving to keep the customer for life
  5. What is Customer Loyalty
    1. Difference between satisfied and loyal
    2. Satisfied
      1. Shop anywhere
      2. Everyone did their minimum job
      3. Overall experience was neutral, not negative
    3. Loyal
      1. Proactively refer others
      2. Feels great about dealing with you
      3. Proactively refer others
  6. Report on the Importance of Customer Service by Forbes
    1. 86% of buyers will pay more for better customer service
    2. 70% of buying experiences are based on how customers feel they’re treated
    3. 70% of customers will do business again with the company that resolves their complaints
  7. Loyalty Cycle
    1. Step One-Awareness
    2. Step Two- Initial Purchase
    3. Step Three-Post Purchase Evaluation
    4. Step Four-Decision to Renew
    5. Step Five-Renew

2nd Hour

  1. Study from Rockefeller Foundation Why Customer Leave
    1. 14%-Complaints were not handled
    2. 9%-The competition
    3. 9%-Relocation
    4. 68%-No special reason
  2. Statistics from Customer Service Institute
    1. 65% of Company’s business comes from existing customers
    2. Bad customer services lose 2% market share per year
    3. Most businesses only hear from 4% of their dissatisfied customers
  3. Feedback
    1. Make it easy to provide feeback
    2. If feedback involves a problem, fix it quickly.
  4. Information to Know About Your Client
    1. What they need to do their jobs well
    2. Why they buy
    3. What coverage issues do they have
    4. What solutions have they been presented
    5. What they need that they don’t know need
    6. How often do they like to be contacted
    7. How do they like to be contacted
  5. Listening
    1. Remember hearing is not the same as listening
    2. Myths about listening
      1. Listening doesn’t require any effort
      2. Born a good listener
      3. If you have to ask questions you are not a good listener
    3. Distractions from properly listening
      1. External distractions
      2. Physical state
      3. Impatience
      4. False Assumptions
    4. Effective Listening takes:
      1. Scheduled meetings
      2. Shown interest
      3. Patience
      4. Notes
    1. Conclusion
    1. Attendance
    1. DFS Affidavit

Course Materials


Jeff Odom's Profile

Jeff Odom Related Seminars and Products

Education Instructor & Insurance Analyst

Florida Association of Insurance Agents

Jeff graduated from FSU in 1988 and began his insurance career as both a general lines and life and health insurance agent with an independent insurance agency. He moved to the education side of insurance by taking a position with the Department of Financial Services (formerly Department of Insurance), working in the continuing education section. Jeff spent his last four years there the administrator of Continuing Education. At FAIA, Jeff's duties include writing, updating, and revising FAIA's Florida Insurance Research Library, and teaching.


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Overall:   Not yet rated

Total Reviews: 138